rotary 0.26.0

A library for working with audio buffers


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A library for working with audio buffers

The buffer is constructed similarly to a Vec<Vec<T>>, except the interior vector has a fixed size. And the buffer makes no attempt to clear data which is freed when using functions such as Dynamic::resize.

Example: Playing mp3 files

Play an mp3 file with minimp3-rs, cpal, and rubato for resampling.

cargo run --release --package rotary-examples --bin play-mp3 -- path/to/file.mp3


use rand::Rng as _;

let mut buffer = rotary::Dynamic::<f32>::new();


/// Fill both channels with random noise.
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
rng.fill(&mut buffer[0]);
rng.fill(&mut buffer[1]);

You can use the included [Mask] trait to separately keep track of active and inactive channels in an audio buffer. This requires that you specify the type of the mask. A good option for this is a BitSet, which supports up to 128 channels.

use rotary::{BitSet, Mask as _};

let mut buffer = rotary::Dynamic::<f32>::with_topology(4, 1024);
let mask: rotary::BitSet<u128> = rotary::bit_set![0, 2, 3];

for chan in mask.join(buffer.iter_mut()) {
    for b in chan {
        *b = 1.0;

let zeroed = vec![0.0f32; 1024];
let expected = vec![1.0f32; 1024];

assert_eq!(&buffer[0], &expected[..]);
assert_eq!(&buffer[1], &zeroed[..]);
assert_eq!(&buffer[2], &expected[..]);
assert_eq!(&buffer[3], &expected[..]);

For convenience we also provide the dynamic! macro when constructing audio buffers.

use rotary::BitSet;

let mut buf = rotary::Dynamic::<f32>::with_topology(4, 128);

for channel in &mut buf {
    for f in channel {
        *f = 2.0;

assert_eq!(buf, rotary::dynamic![[2.0; 128]; 4])

License: MIT/Apache-2.0